Τρίτη, Σεπτεμβρίου 26, 2006

Central Macedonia: Vergina, Pella, Mieza, Thessaloniki

The palace at Vergina (probably Aigai).
Katerina sharing her wisdom on the palace.

The site of Pella. I gave my presentation here (at the agora, not at this villa, but there is not much to see in the agora....)

Pottery that was found at the agora at Pella, which was part of my presentation. Note the subtle Hellenistic phallic ceramics.

The Nymphaion at Mieza, where Aristotle taught Alexander the Great.

Looking out of a cave at the Nymphaion.

The church of St. Dimitrios in Thessaloniki (the largest church in Thessaloniki). Thessaloniki has the greatest concentration of churches anywhere in Greece.

These are bath-tubs, arranged in a fan, from the Agora at Thessaloniki.

Detail from the Arch of Galerius over the Egnatia Road, Thessaloniki.